Sydney Eastern suburbs dog walking services

First two Walks $18


Our priority is your pooch’s safety and happiness.

Doggie Walkies Sydney is a boutique dog services provider. We offer off leash group walks, day care on the run and puppy socialisation. We currently service the Woollahra, Paddington and surrounds areas in sydney.


Our Difference

At Doggie Walkies Sydney we treat your dog as part of our family.

We work hard to know your dog as well as you do. We make it our job to understand what your dog is feeling, to listen to your dog’s needs and to build your dog’s confidence and happiness with other pooches and with people.

Two happy dogs socialising, at Doggie Walkies Sydney

We promote social cohesion.

Just like humans play together to “get along,” so do dogs. And like humans, dogs prefer to play with other dogs and humans they “know.” At Doggie Walkies Sydney we always organise puppy playdates with the same dogs and with the same carer, so our dogs can play with their besties and create a strong bond with their human friend.

Our Services


Our specialised services include off leash group dog walking, dog and puppy day care on the run, puppy play dates and puppy socialisation.


Free Dog Behaviour Advice

Taina is a certified dog behaviourist with the British College of Canine studies in London. You can call her for free advice or request an appointment at her day care centre in Kensington.

We are here for you

Call for a free consultation and we can work out what's best for your dog